Feihan Personal Information Collection List

Update Date: May 23, 2024

  1. We will collect the following information that you actively provide when using the service, and information generated through automated means during the use of features or acceptance of services. You can inquire about and manage the specific content of the following information by clicking on "Avatar" - "Settings" and through the feedback and contact information in the Feihan Privacy Policy:
Scenarios for collecting personal information Potentially collected personal information
Account related Registration, Login Avatar
Background image
Mobile phone number
Email address
Feihan contact list Feihan contact information
Message notifications Contact information
User feedback and services Issue feedback Account information
Feedback information
Contact information
Search Search results Search keyword information
Search log information recording
Operation and security assurance Device information and log information Hardware model and settings
Operating system version number and settings
Device name
Device time zone
Device configuration
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
Unique device identifier (For Android: IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID; For iOS: IDFV; specific fields may vary due to differences in hardware and software versions)
Network device hardware address (MAC address)
IP address
WLAN access point (e.g., SSID, BSSID)
Base station
Software version number
Network access method
Network access type
Network quality data
Operation, usage, service logs
Feihan application information Feihan application information (such as version, language, source, etc.), process information, overall operation, usage frequency, application crash situations, performance data

Please note that if you use this service as a team member, you should be aware that the following personal information will be processed by Feihan on behalf of your team (Feihan customer). We will only process this data within the scope of the customer's instructions and the agreement between us and the customer, for the purpose of providing relevant services and features to you and the customer. The purpose of collecting these data and the scenarios of use will be informed to you by your team. If you have any questions about the relevant content or claim the right to personal information, you can contact your team for processing.

Data fields
Content information generated by using the product

Please note that if you are an individual user, the content information generated by your use of the product will be managed and controlled by yourself, and we will help you record and display the relevant content based on your actual use.
Audio and video files
To-do content
Schedule information (schedule time, content, location)
Other content information generated by using this service
Enterprise employment management related information Human resource information: such as basic personal information, identity information, facial photo information (including facial features), employment information, work and education information, health status information, and other information that your team needs to process when using related functions.
Enterprise office information: such as access control and attendance information (including geographical location), approval records, travel information, performance, salary and tax information, transaction information with third parties, and other information that your team needs to process when using related functions.