Feihan Privacy Policy

Updated Date: May 23, 2024

Effective Date: May 23, 2024

Shanghai Feihan Security Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "Feihan"), as the operator of Feihan products and services, are well aware of the importance of your personal information. We will protect your personal information and privacy safety in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. We have formulated this privacy policy to inform you of the following content, so that you can make appropriate choices.

This privacy policy clarifies how we handle your personal information in different scenarios to help you understand more intuitively and concisely how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

When you activate related functions, use related services, or to meet the needs of customer management, to achieve the necessary functions or services, or to meet the needs of organizational management, we will collect and use relevant information. Unless it is necessary to achieve product functions or as required by laws and regulations, or based on the necessary information required to meet customer management requirements, you can refuse to provide and it will not affect other functions or services. Feihan Personal Information Collection Checklist

Contacts, Precise Location, Camera, Microphone, Album, Calendar permissions, etc., will not be enabled by default and will only be used when implementing specific functions or services with your explicit authorization, and you can also revoke the authorization. It is particularly important to note that even if you have authorized us, and we have obtained these sensitive permissions, we will not collect this information when the relevant functions or services are not required. Feihan Application Permission Request and Use Explanation

This privacy policy applies to Feihan products and services, including Feihan client applications of various versions, mini-programs, official websites, Feihan Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for third-party websites and applications, and all other products and services provided by us that use this privacy policy (collectively referred to as "this service" or "Feihan" in this privacy policy). This privacy policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties, and you should fully understand the product functions and privacy protection policies of third-party services before choosing to use the corresponding features or services.

In addition to this privacy policy, in specific scenarios, we will also explain the corresponding information collection purposes, scope, and usage methods to you through instant notifications (including pop-ups, page prompts, etc.), feature update explanations, and other means. These instant notifications and feature update explanations constitute part of this privacy policy and have the same effect as this privacy policy.

Definitions of related identities under this service are as follows:

a. Customer refers to the legal person or other organization that registers an account for this service through an authorized natural person, builds an organizational structure, and has management rights. The customer can invite individuals to join their organization to become their authorized users.

b. An authorized user refers to a natural person who is authorized or invited by the customer to join the organizational structure built by the customer in Feihan and use this service, including team creators and administrators. Among them, the natural person designated by the customer to configure this service on behalf of the customer and exercise back-end management rights is called an administrator (to avoid ambiguity, referred to as "customer administrator" in this privacy policy); the one who initially represents the customer to create a team is called the team creator.

c. Individual user refers to a natural person who registers and uses this service in their personal capacity. Individual users and authorized users are collectively referred to as "you."

The following will help you understand in detail how we collect, use, store, transfer (if applicable), and protect your personal information. It also helps you understand how to inquire, copy, delete, correct, withdraw authorization, and manage your personal information. This policy is closely related to your use of our services, and we recommend that you carefully read and understand all the contents of this policy to make what you consider to be an appropriate choice, in which the important content related to your personal information rights is highlighted in bold, please pay special attention.


  1. How this service collects and uses personal information
  2. How we use Cookies and similar technologies
  3. Data use involving partners and the transfer and disclosure of personal information
  4. How we store personal information
  5. How we protect the security of personal information
  6. Managing your personal information
  7. Minor provisions
  8. Revision and notification of privacy policy
  9. Contacting us
  10. Other

1. How this service collects and uses personal information

To provide you and our customers with this service, to meet the needs of customer office collaboration management, to maintain the normal and safe operation of this service, and to optimize the functional experience of this service, Feihan will collect the personal information you actively provide, authorize to provide, and the personal information generated when you use this service for the following purposes and methods:

1.1 Account service

1.1.1 Registration, Login

a. To use this service, you need to create a Feihan account. You can create a personal identity account or an organizational identity account (both referred to as "Feihan account") by creating a personal identity, creating a company, or organization, or joining an organization, and bind the same or different login credentials to these Feihan accounts. Your account can also be registered and assigned by a customer representative or authorized user on your behalf. Joining different organizations will result in different Feihan accounts.

b. If you only browse the Feihan official website, you do not need to register a Feihan account and provide the above information.

c. If you are an authorized user, you can join the organization by the invitation code, invitation link, or QR code sent by the customer, but only when you confirm to accept the invitation and log in to the account identity under that organization will it be activated; if you actively apply to join an organization, your account identity under that organization will be created when your application is approved, and it will be activated after you log in.

d. When you register this service on behalf of a customer, you also need to provide relevant information such as the name of the company/organization, industry type, and personnel scale. To help you fill in the company information more conveniently, Feihan will help you locate the region where the organization is located through your IP information, and you can also manually select the region. If you want to obtain more features and rights, you need to provide basic information such as the main body certificate, legal representative or other types of manager information, authorization documents, etc., on behalf of the customer, so that we can help the customer complete the certification. You confirm that you have obtained the full authorization of such customers to sign and agree to all the contents of this privacy policy.

e. Based on our cooperation with communication operators, when you use the "one-click login" function, with your explicit consent, the operator will send your mobile phone number to us to facilitate us in providing you with a fast login service. The mobile phone number is personal sensitive information, and if you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the "one-click login" method to register and log in to this service, but it will not affect you registering and logging in through other methods.

f. If you forget your login password and cannot reset it yourself, you can use the password reset appeal function. To ensure the security of your account, you may need to fill in relevant information for verification, and it may be necessary to verify your identity through real identity information verification methods when necessary.

1.1.2 Public Account Information

a. According to your needs, you can independently fill in or set your avatar, nickname, personal signature, background image, and personal status, which will be used to display to other users. Not filling in or setting these pieces of information will not affect your use of the Feihan account and services.

b. If you are an authorized user, according to the management needs of the customer, the specific information displayed on your personal business card page in the organization may be set by the customer administrator. Feihan supports the synchronization display of system status such as leave as your personal status, so that people who collaborate with you can reasonably arrange work in scenarios such as instant communication and appointment scheduling. With the permission of the customer administrator, you can turn off the automatic synchronization display of personal status following the system approval status.

1.2 Instant Messaging

1.2.1 To achieve the transmission and display of information, to ensure that new members joining the group can view all historical messages anytime and anywhere, quickly integrate into the team and project, and improve office efficiency, Feihan will record the messages and voice call status information (not the content of the call) in Feihan and synchronize them to all your logged-in devices.

1.2.2 When a user proactively initiates an urgent message prompt, in order to promote the rapid reach of the message, Feihan will push an urgent SMS or call to you through the mobile number provided when you registered, to help remind you to check the information.

1.2.3 When you want to send your location information to a contact in the instant messaging interface, Feihan will obtain your location information to display your location to you and your contact.

1.2.4 You can add or delete contacts in Feihan, and we will create a contact list and group list for you. If you are an authorized user, we will also display the organizational structure information of your department.

1.2.5 When you send voice messages, use voice call functions, or video call functions, Feihan will request permission to use your microphone/camera; if you send photos, files, Feihan will request album permissions. The above permissions are necessary for the relevant functions, and refusing Feihan to use these permissions will affect your use of the relevant functions, but will not affect your use of other features of Feihan. When you take a photo in landscape mode with your phone, to adapt to the status of your device, we may call the accelerometer to identify whether the device is in landscape mode. Feihan values user experience, and when you have authorized the album permission and the last media file is a video format, to help you reduce the time it takes to send videos, when switching to the chat send scene, Feihan may help you compress the last video in the album. However, in this scenario, only client-side compression caching will be performed, and the cached file will be deleted after restarting the Feihan application.

1.2.6 If you choose to send messages in the form of voice to text or voice plus text, Feihan will convert your voice content into text according to the language you have selected to help you send messages.

1.2.7 When you play voice, to help you determine whether to turn on the earpiece mode, Feihan may need to call the proximity sensor.

1.2.8 In the process of instant communication, if you and the other party are not in the same time zone, and your local time is between 22:00 and 08:00 the next day, in order to help the other party understand your local time so as to reasonably arrange work communication and avoid unnecessary disturbances, Feihan needs to use your device's time zone to display your local time to the other party.

1.3 Calendar Schedule

1.3.1 You can add work status, event reminders, and other calendar arrangement information through Feihan's calendar feature, subscribe to public or colleague's schedule status, and send or receive meeting invitations. If you are the controller of a calendar schedule, you can set your own calendar arrangements to be private, public, or publicly available within a specific range.

1.3.2 When the attendees are not in the same time zone, it is necessary to use the time zone information of the device you are using to display your local time, so that the meeting coordinator can arrange an appropriate meeting time.

1.3.3 When you arrange a meeting and add a meeting room under the calendar feature, Feihan will sort the available meeting rooms according to your historical booking situation to help you improve the efficiency of selecting a meeting room.

1.3.4 If you want to synchronize the calendar schedule in your device to Feihan, you need to authorize Feihan calendar permissions, otherwise Feihan cannot help you complete the information synchronization, but it will not affect your use of other Feihan calendar schedule features.

1.4 File Cloud Disk

1.4.1 You can autonomously choose to create or upload files in the Feihan file cloud disk, and these files will be stored on the Feihan server.

1.4.2 The operations you perform on the files, such as sharing, creating copies, downloading, browsing, and changing permission settings, will be recorded and displayed to the file creator. If the customer administrator turns off the access record function, then you will not be able to view the access records in the file information.

1.5 Audio and Video Conferences

1.5.1 After the audio and video conference recording function is turned on, Feihan will store the corresponding recording files for you, and the meeting host will be the owner of the corresponding files, and can choose to share the recording files with the attendees or other relevant personnel. If you are the meeting host, you should be aware of your legal responsibilities, including whether you need to obtain the consent of the attendees in advance, and we are not responsible for your use of the recording function and content. If you are an attendee and do not wish to be recorded, we suggest that you inform the host of your decision and refuse to be recorded.

1.5.2 When you use the phone earpiece for video conferencing, Feihan may need to call the phone's proximity sensor to control the screen turning off, helping you avoid accidental touches on the screen.

1.6 Email Service

1.6.1 You can use the Feihan email client function to send, receive, and manage emails of third-party email services. In this scenario, your email-related data is only processed in the Feihan client and will not be transmitted back to the Feihan server.

1.7.1 When you use the search function, we will collect your search keyword information, log records, in order to display the search result content, search history records to you. Search keyword information will also be stored on your device and on the Feihan server, you can click on the search box to view and delete the corresponding stored search history keywords on this device and the server.

1.7.2 We will use a procedural algorithm to process the text in the pictures of Feihan group chats for feature extraction, in order to help you quickly find the desired picture in the historical pictures of Feihan chat groups. This feature processing is only used to improve search efficiency and will not be associated with your identity, and we will not use the analysis results for any other purpose or provide them to third parties.

1.8 Punching

1.8.1 If the customer administrator turns on the GPS or WI-FI punching mode, Feihan needs to use your GPS location information and WI-FI access points to help you complete the attendance punching.

1.8.2 If the company turns on the anti-cheating function for attendance, Feihan will compare and confirm on the device side whether there is any cheating software, Feihan only obtains the result of whether there is cheating software, and will not obtain your software installation list information, nor will it upload your software installation list to the Feihan server.

1.10 Safe Operation

1.10.1 Operations and Security Protection

We are committed to providing you with a safe and reliable product and usage environment, and providing high-quality and reliable services and information is our core goal. In order to maintain the normal operation of our services, to protect the legitimate interests of you or other users or the public from loss, we will collect the necessary information for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the product or service.

1.10.2 Device Information and Log Information

a. In order to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the software and services, the quality and efficiency of the operation, we will collect your: hardware model, operating system version number, device identifier (Android such as IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID, MEID, iOS such as IDFV; different identifiers will differ in terms of validity, whether they can be reset by the user, and the way they are obtained), network device hardware address (device MAC address), hardware serial number (SN), IP address, WLAN access point (such as SSID, BSSID), Bluetooth, base station, software version number, network access method, type, status, network quality data, operations, usage, service logs, device time zone, device name.

b. To prevent malicious programs and ensure the quality and efficiency of the operation, we will collect the information of the Feihan application you have installed (such as version, language, source, etc.), process information, overall operation, usage frequency, application crash situations, performance data.

c. We may use your account information, device information, service log information, as well as information that our affiliates and partners can provide with your authorization or in accordance with the law, to determine the security of the account and transactions, for identity verification, to identify illegal and non-compliant situations, to detect and prevent security incidents, and to take necessary recording, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law.

1.11 Copying and Sharing

1.11.1 When you share or copy information, we need to access your clipboard to read the password, sharing code, link, and other content information it contains, in order to achieve functions or services such as jumping, copying, and sharing.

1.11.2 If your organization has enabled the paste protection feature, according to the security policy set by the organization, you may not be able to copy the content from Feihan to other applications. Feihan will write the prompt for not being able to copy into the clipboard, so that you can understand the reason in time when you cannot paste. But this is only a prompt to you for the reason, Feihan will not obtain your private information.

1.12 User Feedback

In the process of using this service, you can provide feedback on the problems and service experiences encountered to help us better understand your experience and needs when using our products or services. While helping you solve problems, it also helps us improve our products and services. For this purpose, we will record your contact information, the problems or suggestions you provide, your communication/call records and related content with us (including account information, ticket information, other information you provide to prove the relevant facts, or other contact information you leave), in order to further contact you and provide you with feedback on our progress.

1.13 Change of Purpose for Collection and Use of Personal Information

Please understand that as our business develops, there may be adjustments to the functions and services provided by Feihan. In principle, when the new functions or services are related to the functions or services we currently provide, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original purpose. In scenarios where there is no direct or reasonable connection with the original purpose, we will collect and use your personal information and will inform you again in a reasonable manner such as page prompts, interactive processes, agreement confirmation, etc., in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, and national standards, and obtain your consent.

Please understand that in the following situations, according to the laws, regulations, and relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your consent to collect and use your personal information:

a. Related to the fulfillment of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

b. Directly related to national security or national defense security;

c. Directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest;

d. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

e. To protect the life, property, and other major legitimate rights and interests of the principal of personal information or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person;

f. The personal information collected about you is information that you have publicly disclosed to the public;

g. Collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

h. Necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract at your request;

i. Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the software and related services, such as discovering and dealing with software and related service failures;

j. Necessary for legal news reporting;

k. Necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistics or academic research for public interest purposes, and the results provided to the public are anonymized when the research or description results contain personal information;

l. Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.15 Customer as the Processor of Personal Information

1.15.1 If you are an authorized user, in addition to the information collected through the system and the information you actively submit, in order to make it more convenient for you to use this service, the customer will provide us with personal information necessary to achieve the functions and services of this service, including but not limited to your account name, name, corporate email, work phone, work location, position, rank, organizational relationships, etc., and the customer will update this information from time to time according to the actual situation. According to the customer's statement and guarantee, the customer has obtained your explicit authorization in advance and has fully informed you of the purpose, scope, and method of collecting and using your personal information before providing the above personal information to us. If you cannot confirm the above content, we suggest that you immediately stop accessing or using this service and confirm the above matters with the customer. At the same time, you can also contact us through the contact information provided in this privacy policy, and we will assist you in handling the relevant matters within our capabilities.

1.15.2 If you use this service as an authorized user, the customer will process your personal information based on employment management needs and other scenarios. You are aware that the following personal information will be collected, used, and determined by the customer for processing purposes and methods, and we will only process this information (referred to as "customer use data") for the purpose of providing you with related services and functions according to the customer's instructions and the agreement between us and the customer:

a. Your name, avatar, personal signature, background image, nickname, position, contact information (email, mobile phone number, etc.), work location, position, rank, organizational structure, etc. within your organization;

b. The audio and video files, email content, and other content information generated by the members of the company based on the use of this service during your use of this service;

c. If the customer needs to open business management (including but not limited to approval, contract and project management, visitor registration) or personnel management (including but not limited to punching, access control, sign-in, health management, recruitment, personnel, performance, salary slips, reporting, travel) products or functions for daily operation and office safety management, to achieve the relevant functions, you may need to provide your basic personal information (such as contact information, gender, social account), identity information (such as relevant certificate information), position information (department, position, rank, etc.), work and education information, salary and bank card information for payment, facial information, geographical location, schedule information, access control and punching records, approval records, health status information, etc. of the customer's entry, distribution, or requirement personal information;

d. If the school where the student is located chooses to use this service, in order to facilitate the school's communication with parents and the school's related management, the school may upload or require you to provide information such as your contact information as a parent (name, mobile phone number, contact address), the identity and class of the child (grade, class, stage, campus) required for school management;

e. Your transaction information when using this service or purchasing and using third-party services on the Feihan open platform, to display and facilitate your management of related transactions;

f. To achieve the purpose of employee management and network and data security, the customer will also collect your operating system version number, IP address, network access method, type, status, device information, network device hardware address (MAC address), service logs;

g. In order to facilitate more efficient and convenient office communication and collaboration between different organizational members, the customer may enable the associated organization feature. To achieve the collaborative capabilities of the associated organization, the organization you belong to will provide the necessary personal information and data generated during office collaboration to the external collaborative organization, and the related information may be cross-border stored and accessed according to different collaboration objects. If you have any questions about the related content or claim related rights, you are aware and understand that you can contact the customer or the customer administrator for processing;

h. Other information submitted based on the customer's organizational management and operation, realization of collaborative office or specific group team management purposes, and the information that needs to be submitted by you.

1.15.3 Regarding customer use data, the customer is responsible for informing authorized users of the purpose, method, and scope of collecting, using, and processing personal information. If you have any questions about the related content or claim related personal information rights, you are aware and understand that you can contact the customer or the customer administrator for processing.

Please be especially aware that if the information cannot be identified alone or in combination with other information to your personal identity, it does not belong to your personal information in the legal sense; when your information can be identified alone or in combination with other information to your personal identity, or when the data that we cannot establish a connection with any specific personal information is used in combination with your other personal information, these pieces of information will be treated as your personal information according to this privacy policy during the period of combination use, and will be processed and protected accordingly.

2. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

2.1 We use Cookies and other similar technologies to enhance your experience when using our services. When you use our services, we may use these technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your access and use of our services. We promise that we will not use Cookies for any other purposes other than those described in this privacy policy. The main functions or services we use Cookies and similar technologies for are:

a. Ensuring the security and efficient operation of the product and service: We may set authentication and security保障 (safeguarding) Cookies or anonymous identifiers to confirm whether you have logged in to the service securely, or whether you have encountered unauthorized use, fraud, and other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and increase login and response speeds;

b. To help you have a smoother access experience: Using such technologies can help you avoid the steps and processes of repeatedly entering your personal information and inputting search content (e.g., recording searches, form filling).

2.2 Most browsers provide users with the function to clear browser cache data, and you can perform the corresponding data clearing operations in the browser settings. If you clear it, you may not be able to use the services or corresponding functions provided by us that rely on Cookies.

3. Data Processing Involving Partners and Transfer and Disclosure of Personal Information

3.1 Data Processing Involving Partners

3.1.1 Principles

a. Legality Principle: In the process of cooperation with partners involving data usage activities, there must be a legal purpose and comply with the legal basis for legality. If the partner's use of information no longer complies with the principle of legality, then they should no longer use your personal information, or use it again after obtaining the corresponding legal basis.

b. Justification and Minimum Necessity Principle: Data usage must have a legitimate purpose and should be limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose.

c. Security and Prudence Principle: We will carefully evaluate the purpose of the partner's data usage, conduct a comprehensive assessment of their data security capabilities, and require them to follow the cooperation legal agreement. We will strictly monitor the software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs) obtained by the partners to protect data security.

3.1.2 Commissioned Processing

For scenarios involving the entrusted processing of personal information, we will sign relevant processing agreements with the entrusted partners according to the law and supervise their personal information usage activities.

3.1.3 Joint Processing

For scenarios involving the joint processing of personal information, we will sign relevant agreements with the partners according to the law and stipulate the respective rights and obligations to ensure compliance with legal regulations and data security protection in the process of using the relevant personal information.

3.1.4 Scope of Partners

If specific functions and scenarios involve services provided by our affiliates or third parties, the partners include our affiliates and third parties.

3.1.5 Data Usage for Realizing Functions or Services

a. When you use products and services in the Feihan open platform or other third-party products and services, these products and services may use the relevant system permissions you authorize, or may require you to submit personal information according to the functions of these products and services. We will provide the necessary information for the service to the product serving you based on your authorization, and you can refer to the relevant agreements or privacy policies of these products and services. You can also withdraw the authorization in these products and services. If you are an authorized user, the customer administrator may provide some of the customer's data used to you so that you can use these products or services.

b. Login, binding other products: When you use the Feihan account to log in to the products or services of the affiliated party or third party, or bind the Feihan account with the account of the affiliated party or third party, the above applications or services will use your name, avatar, product installation status, device information, purchase order information of the third-party product , and other information you authorize.

c. Geographic location service: When you use location-related services, the location service provider may use your GPS information, device information, etc., through SDK or related technology, to provide you with location results. Location information is personal sensitive information, and refusing to provide it will only affect the functionality of the geographic location service but will not affect the normal use of other features.

d. Push function: To adapt the message push function to the terminal model you use, terminal equipment manufacturers (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, etc.) may use your mobile phone model, version, and related device information through SDK and other technologies.

e. Customer service: To promptly handle your complaints, suggestions, and other requests, the customer service provider needs to use your account and related information about the events involved, to understand, process, and respond to related issues in a timely manner.

3.1.6 Helping You Participate in Marketing Promotion Activities

When you choose to participate in marketing activities organized by us, our affiliates, or third parties, to ensure that you receive a consistent service experience in the joint activities, or to entrust the partner to fulfill the rewards to you in a timely manner, we and our partners may need you to provide your name, contact address, contact information, and other information. Some of this information is personal sensitive information, and refusing to provide it may affect your participation in related activities, but it will not affect other features.

3.2 Transfer

As our business continues to develop, we may undergo mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as a result. When the aforementioned changes occur, we will continue to protect your personal information in accordance with the legal requirements and safety standards no lower than those required by this privacy policy, or require the successor to continue to protect your personal information, otherwise we will require the successor to re-obtain your authorization and consent.

3.3 Public

We will not disclose your information unless it is in accordance with the provisions of national laws and regulations or with your consent. We will adopt industry-standard security protection measures when disclosing your personal information.

Please understand that in the following situations, according to the laws, regulations, and national standards, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to provide or disclose your personal information to partners or third parties:

a. Necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract to which you are a party, or for the implementation of human resource management in accordance with legally established labor management regulations and collectively signed collective contracts;

b. Necessary for the fulfillment of legal duties or obligations;

c. Directly related to national security or national defense security;

d. Necessary to respond to public health emergencies or, in emergency situations, to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons;

e. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

f. For the public interest, to conduct news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other acts, and to process personal information within a reasonable scope;

g. Personal information that you have publicly disclosed to the public;

h. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as from legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

i. Other situations prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

4. How We Store Personal Information

4.1 Storage Location

For services deployed privately by customers, the personal information collected and generated by the Feihan client will only be stored on the customer's server, and the customer will store and manage it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

For personal information collected and generated by the Feihan official website operated by us, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we will store the personal information collected and generated during the domestic operation process within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and we will not transfer your personal information overseas.

4.2 Storage Period

4.2.1 During your use of this service, we will continue to store your personal information, and the storage period will be based on the principle of not exceeding the period necessary to provide the service. After we stop operating this service, you cancel your account, you actively delete personal information, or after the necessary period has passed, we will delete or anonymize the personal information we hold within a reasonable period according to the applicable law. However, the following exceptions apply:

a. In compliance with the legal requirements for information retention (for example: the Cybersecurity Law stipulates that technical measures for monitoring and recording the operation status and network security incidents of the network, and the retention of relevant network logs for no less than six months).

b. It is necessary to reasonably extend the period for financial, audit, dispute resolution, and other purposes.

c. The customer, as the processor of personal information, has other processing needs for the relevant information.

4.2.2 If you are an authorized user, you are aware and understand that if you have any doubts or claims related to the personal information rights regarding our processing of personal information on behalf of the customer, you should contact the customer or the customer administrator for processing.

5. How We Protect the Security of Personal Information

5.1 We take the security of your personal information very seriously. Based on the requirements and standards of applicable laws and regulations, we have established a high-standard personal information protection management system and implemented security technical measures to ensure the security and compliance of personal information processing throughout its lifecycle, fully protecting user privacy. Our network services use encryption technologies such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to ensure the security of your data during network transmission. You can visit the Feihan official website to learn more about security and compliance-related content.

5.2 We have strict data processing permission controls to prevent unauthorized use of data. We use various data desensitization methods such as data masking and shielding to enhance the security of personal information during use. At the same time, we use widely used encryption technologies in the industry to encrypt and save your personal information, and use data isolation technology for isolation. We always implement these technical measures and organizational management methods, and may revise and improve them from time to time to enhance the overall security of the system.

5.3 Although we have taken the above reasonable and effective measures and have complied with the standards required by relevant legal regulations, please understand that due to technical limitations and possible various malicious means, in the internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. Please be aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, regularly changing passwords, and not disclosing your account passwords and other personal information to others.

5.4 When a cybersecurity incident occurs, we will follow the emergency plan for cybersecurity incidents and take corresponding remedial measures in a timely manner. If our physical facilities or technical protection measures are damaged, leading to the leakage, illegal provision, or abuse of your personal information, causing damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will strictly assume the corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the law.

5.5 After we become aware that your personal information has been unfortunately leaked, illegally provided, or abused in a personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you as required by laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will notify you of the relevant situation by pushing notifications, and if it is difficult to notify each subject of personal information individually, we will publish an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also report the handling situation of the personal information security incident to the supervisory authorities as required.

5.6 Once you browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal information you submit during the use of third-party products, whether you log in, browse, or use the above software, websites based on the links or guidance of this service.

6. Managing Your Personal Information

We take your personal information management very seriously and do our best to protect your rights to inquire, copy, correct, supplement, delete, withdraw consent authorization, cancel the account, complain and report, and set privacy functions for your personal information, so that you have the ability to protect your privacy and information security.

However, please understand that specific business functions and services will require your information to be completed. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the corresponding functions and services, and we will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the personal information processing we have carried out based on your authorization before.

The paths provided for management in different versions or operating systems may vary, please refer to the actual situation.

6.1 Settings Management

6.1.1 System Permission Settings

a. You can directly in the device operating system, or you can also in Feihan by "Settings" - "About Feihan" - "System Permissions" to jump to the device system settings page, independently enable or disable related system permissions, change the consent scope or withdraw your authorization. After withdrawing authorization, we will no longer collect information related to that permission.

b. After you use the products and services in the Feihan open platform, you can withdraw permission authorization in these products and services.

c. You can choose in the device settings whether to receive system notifications sent by Feihan, or set the form of system notifications you want to receive. At the same time, you can also choose the scope and form of notifications in the app in "Settings" - "Notifications".

6.1.2 Account Management

c. You can enter "Settings" - "Account Security Center" to inquire and modify your login mobile phone number, email, set and modify your login password. To help you achieve account security management, you can also enter the account security center to inquire and manage your login devices.

6.2 Your Personal Information Rights

6.2.1 Inquiry, Correction, Deletion

a. If you are an individual user, you can click on the personal avatar in the upper left corner to inquire and modify your avatar, name, nickname, signature;

b. If you are an authorized user, you can click on the personal avatar to inquire about your avatar, name, nickname, department, direct superior, personnel type, email, work city, and other information. The relevant information is configured by the customer for you, and if you want to modify some information, you can submit a correction application to the customer, and the customer administrator will handle it;

c. You can click on the avatar, or go to "Avatar" - "Personal Status" to add, edit your personal status, or cancel the automatic synchronization of leave, schedule, and meeting status;

d. Go to "Favorites" to inquire and delete the content you have collected;

e. You can operate and adjust according to your needs and the specific products and functions we provide during the use of this service;

f. Go to "Avatar" - "Settings" - "Calendar" to see how to change the calendar time zone.

Please be especially reminded that for security and identity verification (such as account recovery service) considerations, you may not be able to independently modify certain initial registration information submitted at the time of registration. If you really need to modify this type of registration information, please contact us according to the contact information stated in this privacy policy.

6.2.2 Copy, Export

a. You can directly copy and download your relevant information on the relevant product function interface, or download some of your personal information collected by Feihan through "Settings" - "About Feihan" - "Personal Information Inquiry and Export".

b. If you are an authorized user, if you want to copy, export the information processed by the organization you are in as the data processor, or assert related personal information rights for these pieces of information, you understand and agree that you should contact your organization or your organization's administrator for processing.

6.2.3 Control Visible Range

a. Go to "Avatar" - "System Settings" - "Privacy" - "Who Can Chat with Me" to control what type of users can communicate with you;

b. Go to "Avatar" - "System Settings" - "Privacy" - "Block List" to inquire and edit your blacklist, users who are blocked will not be able to chat or collaborate with you.

For personal information processed by the customer, if you cannot exercise your rights through the function interface, you can submit your rights claims to the administrator.

6.3 Account Cancellation

6.3.1 If you are an individual user, you can log in to the Feihan client, click "Avatar" - "System Settings" - "Account and Security" - "Cancel Account" to submit the cancellation application, which will be sent to the customer and processed by the customer administrator.

6.3.2 If you are an authorized user, you can cancel the organizational identity account by exiting the organization you are in, being operated by the customer administrator to leave, or the team of the organization you are in being dissolved.

6.3.3 If you actively apply to cancel your Feihan account, before your account is canceled, we will verify your personal identity, security status, device information, etc., and help you complete the cancellation after confirming that there is no balance in your account wallet (when you cancel your last Feihan account). You are aware and understand that the action of canceling the account is irreversible, and after your account is canceled, we will delete the relevant information about you or process it anonymously, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or as needed by the customer to process the customer's data separately.

6.4 Feedback and Complaints

If you have any opinions or believe that your personal information rights may be infringed, or if you discover clues that infringe on personal information rights, you can contact us through the contact information published in this privacy policy.

6.5 Access to Privacy Policy

6.5.1 You can view the entire content of this privacy policy on the registration page, or after logging in to your account, click "Avatar" - "Settings" - "About Feihan".

6.5.2 Please understand that the functions of this service described in this privacy policy may vary depending on the device model, system version, software application version, different versions of Feihan purchased by the customer, and the settings based on the enterprise's employment management. The final products and services are subject to the software and related services you use.

7. Minor Clause

7.1 Feihan is mainly aimed at adults. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this privacy policy jointly under the guardianship and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using this service.

7.2 If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information published in this privacy policy.

8. Revision and Notification of Privacy Policy

8.1 In order to provide you with better services, this service will be updated and changed from time to time, and we will revise this privacy policy in a timely manner. These revisions will constitute a part of this privacy policy and will have the same effect as this privacy policy. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you are entitled to under the current effective privacy policy.

8.2 After the privacy policy is updated, we will issue the updated version and remind you of the updated content through appropriate means before the updated terms take effect, so that you can understand the latest version of this privacy policy in a timely manner. If you continue to use this service after the update of the privacy policy, it will be deemed that you have accepted the updated privacy policy.

9. Contact Us

9.1 For any questions, opinions, or requests related to this privacy policy, you can enter the "Help and Customer Service" page within the Feihan client or contact us through the customer service portal on the official website (https://feihanim.cn/) home page, or send relevant issues to contact@feihan.im or mail to the following address: 741 Yaozhou Road, Xincun Township, Chongming District, Shanghai (Shanghai Xincun Economic Zone). Generally, we will respond within fifteen working days after receiving your relevant contact information and verifying your identity.

9.2 For your reasonable requests, we will not charge a fee in principle, but we will charge a certain fee for repeated, beyond reasonable limit requests. For information that is not directly related to your identity, groundless repeated information, or requests that require a lot of technical means (such as the need to develop a new system or fundamentally change the current practice), pose a risk to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are impractical, we may refuse.

10. Other

10.1 This privacy policy may exist in multiple language versions. If there are inconsistencies or conflicts in the terms of each language version, the Chinese (Simplified) version of this privacy policy shall prevail.

10.2 The titles in this privacy policy are set for convenience and reading only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions of this privacy policy.